Thursday, May 14, 1914
The seventeen year locusts are due to arrive at this place anytime from the 10th of May on. We have them in our midst oftener than each seventeen years, but each particular crop of cicada has been in retirement for seventeen years and their reappearance can be counted upon almost to a day. Those that we will see this year were here in 1897 and they will find things greatly changed here in that time.
Some wool buyers around this week. They start off by offering twenty cents a pound for wool. Last year they started at eighteen cents and the price advanced to twenty-two cents before the end of the season.
Wm. L. Gay’s house, smokehouse and granery and all their contents, burned Tuesday evening. Loss over two thousand dollars and no insurance. Mrs. Gay had started the kitchen fire and sparks from the flue set the roof on fire. The men folks were a mile away, and nothing could be done to save the house.
The closing exercises of the Hillsboro Graded and High School will consist of the following public entertainments given in the auditorium of the high school building.
May 15, 8 p.m., Dramatization of Longfellow’s Hiawatha by the high school pupils.
May 22, 8 p.m., Entertainment by the graded school.
May 24, 10:30 a.m., Commencement Sermon by Dr. Charles Edward Bishop, of West Virginia University.
May 26, 8 p.m., Eighth Grade graduation exercises.
May 27, 8 p.m. Commencement address by State Superintendent M. P. Shawkey.
We are having fine farm weather now and the farmers are getting ready to plant corn.
The sick folks are all better. Mrs. Lucy Armstrong who was at the University Hospital, Baltimore, is able to walk about the house. Mrs. Morrison has gotten well.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins have sold their farm on the river below Buckeye, and have moved to Richwood. They were good neighbors and we are sorry to see them go away.
Wheat is doing fine now and grass is taking a start to grow and the cows are giving more milk.
Mr. Editor, wouldn’t Jim Gibson and his mule make a good race for the legislature on the republican ticket? I think he would.
We were sad when we heard of the death of our friend Aaron Moore, but death enters and there is no defense.
People want to get busy on the R. F. D. Mail Route between Dunmore and Frost and get up their mail boxes. Recollect this route commences June 1.
Robt. McLaughlin is on the sick list.
John W. Carpenter has sold his corner lot in Cass to Max Curry.
W. W. Nottingham has bought the old Billy Carpenter farm near Sitlington. Mr. Nottingham sold his farm (the Ray place) to the Warn Lumber Company.
Robert and Charles McQuain left Wednesday for Doe Hill to see their mother who has pneumonia.
Anderson Tallman, son of Cyrus and Mary Ann Tallman, born and raised at Wanless, departed this life April 27, 1914. He went to the Hinton Hospital in the early part of the winter. The doctors gave him treatment for tuberculosis and kidney disease. He returned home and grew worse until the end came. Mr. Tallman had been a member of the M. E. Church for eight years, and was ready to meet death without a murmur or complaint. He hoped to rally to be with his wife and six children and his friends, yet he expressed himself very clearly that he would not get well and he was not afraid to die.
Mr. Tallman, after spending forty summers with the people who knew him best, became so endeared to them that in our memory he shall still live…Written by a friend, H.K.
J. W. Grimes and son, Quay, were here recently.
Farmers are about done planting. Several big frosts in this section last week.
Joe Fertig is able to go to work again, we are glad to say.
W. F. Townsend is plowing the gardens in town and everybody is busy planting.
Abraham Sharp has been very sick for several days and we are sorry to say, is no better.
There was quite a large crowd attended W. J. Pritchard’s sale last Friday. Mrs. Kerr, the milliner from Arbovale, was here with her hats last week.
Our life is ever on the wing,
And death is ever nigh;
The moment when our lives began
We then begin to die.
Clyde Weiford, son of Poe Weiford, of Academy, was instantly killed at Cass, Tuesday evening April 28, 1914 by a falling stone from a blast on the construction work of the extract plant. He was employed as a carpenter and had worked about a month.
Truly in the midst of life there is death, for he was nearing the age of twenty-one….
The writer had known him less than a month but the deeds of kindness he has rendered here to his fellowman has done a great deal to immerse his name in the pool of immortality.
Fellow Carpenter
Cass, W. Va.
Anderson Christopher Herold, a native of Pocahontas county , died at his home on Muddlety, Nicholas county, on March 1, aged about 90 years. He was a brother of the late Washington Herold, of Knapps Creek.
The Gibson Lumber Company is preparing to move its offices to the rooms in the Bank of Marlinton building lately occupied by C. A. Yeager.
Died. Glenn Meeks, aged 23 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meeks, on Stony Creek, after a long illness.
C. J. Richardson is camped on Williams River, trout fishing this week.
T. A. Sydenstricker has bought a five passenger, latest model Overland automobile from Hunter & Smith.
C. A. Yeager has moved his office to the First National Bank building on the second floor.
Married James McComb and Miss Ruth Camden, May 6.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowe, at Spencer, April 29, a son.