Thursday, November 28, 1918
The State of West Virginia will decorate a block of New York’s Fifth Avenue to welcome the incoming soldiers who will begin to arrive soon.
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The government has raised the ban on building material, and there are now no restrictions on construction projects.
A banquet and game supper will be served at the Allegheny Club, Minnehaha Springs, on Thursday evening November 28, Thanksgiving, at 7 p.m. After supper, the evening will be spent at cards and dancing. This will be the most elaborate affair ever held at the Club. The public is invited. A charge of $2 a plate will be made.
The Truth of It
“Well, Nettie, did you know that we had all come for Thanksgiving?” asked Uncle John, as he chucked his little niece under the chin.
“I expected you,” she said, sweetly. “Mother said that the whole family was coming, and it was a dreadful bore, but that Thanksgiving only comes once a year.”
Turkey Belongs to America
The turkey is an American bird. Lucullus and the Epicureans did not know about him. He was found in his wild state after Columbus’ first voyage. About a hundred years after the discovery of America, broiled young turkeys became great delicacies on the Frenchman’s table.
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LOST – A bill book lost in Marlinton on Saturday, November 16, containing money and valuable papers. A reward of $10 if returned to me. – CLEVELAND MILLER, Millpoint, W. Va.
HORSES FOR SALE – A team of good heavy horses, trained for the woods, with wagon and harness. – GEO. DUNCAN, Marlinton W. Va.
LOST – A gold wrist watch, between Marlinton and my home above Huntersville. Finder will please return to Miss Mary Madge Ervine, Huntersville, W. Va., and receive a reward.
A young man named Barnes killed a big deer at Cloverlick last week.
A.N. Taylor and party killed a fine deer on Williams River last week.
C. J. Richardson and Theodore Moore are camped on Big Run hunting deer.
W. H. Young, of Cloverlick, is preparing to spend the winter on his farm in southern Alabama.
Col. DeKraft, who spent the summer with his daughter, Mrs. E. M. Richardson, returned to his home at Amelia Court House, Va., last Friday.
A. N. Taylor is moving to rooms in the Arbogast building, opposite the First National Bank.