Thursday, April 30, 1914
Take an ounce of war news and expand it so that it will fill four pages of paper and you make a sop so thin, that it is liable to founder the average reader.
Ad Pennell says that he does not think he will go to Mexico but if the Mexicans invade Buckeye, they will find him armed and ready.
The ice plant is running full capacity filling its store room with first class ice.
The Griffin place which is advertised to be sold by the Levi Gay Estate is one of the best grazing properties in the county. It lies in a saddle of the mountain on the divide between the waters of Swago Creek and Stony Creek and is the finest sort of blue grass land.
The sawmill of I. O. Smith, located at Big Run, ten miles above Marlinton, burned down Friday morning. The loss is $3,500 with about $2,000 insurance. It is not known how the fire started as the mill shed was on fire from end to end when discovered. By hard fighting, the lumber on the yard was saved with small loss. This mill was cutting the timber from a large tract owned by H. E. Nixon. Another mill has been secured and will be in operation soon.
There was a dining given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pritchard last Friday. The invited guests were as follows: Mrs. Ashby Sharp and baby Goldie, Mrs. Alice Sharp and daughter Miss Ruth, Mrs. Sherman Gibson and Miss Bertie Gibson, Mrs. Johnny Rider and baby, Mrs. Letcher Herold and baby Pauline, Mrs. Wise Herold and baby Marie.
Jake Lightner, of Valley View was the guest of his friend Sherman Gibson, Sunday.
Warm enough to make the frogs holler.
Some oats sowing is going on. People are getting ready to plant and lots of taters will be planted.
G. W. Ginger, of Hunters-ville, was up at the mill Wednesday.
Lots of wagons are over from Highland county for goods; they are trading at Cass. We have good reasons to believe that Cass soon will be the leading town in the county. The Highland teamsters report their roads all worked up in good shape and will soon be solid, but ask them about the road from Sitlington to Frost.
Glenn Galford has bought part of the M. C. Dilley farm near Dunmore.
Welcome spring seems here at last. A mess of brook trout and ramps would make us feel like tackling the spring work.
W. B. Freeman was at Durbin last week selling cows. He has some nice young cows for sale.
Roy Shears has purchased Geo. Hice’s sawmill and moved it away from Lee Wilmoth’s place. He had quite a time getting the engine to the road. They upset it and it rolled down the hill, but perseverance conquers all things, and they graded a road to it and got a block and rope and brought it out just the same.
Charlie Wooddell had a log rolling last Thursday.
There is some real estate changing hands; Jess Shears sold his property in Arbovale to Albert Dilley of near Dunmore, and Frank Ervin sold his farm to his brother Sam Ervin.
F. Hamed lost a fine horse one day last week.
Luther Flynn is clerking for F. Hamed.
Less Ervin is skidding logs for Frank Ervin.
Moffett McNeel, who was kicked in the stomach by a horse and severely hurt, is recovering.
Little Miss Leta Beard, who has been ill with pneumonia, is some better.
The community was shocked by the death of Clyde Weiford, aged about twenty years, son of R. P. Weiford, who was killed at Cass Tuesday evening. A blast had been put off at the extract plant, and the unfortunate young man was struck in the head by a flying stone and killed almost instantly. His body will be brought here for burial. Great sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family.
This section was visited by an electrical storm of unusual severity last Saturday night, also a heavy down pour of rain which caused most of the streams to overflow their banks.
Most of the farmers were busy sowing oats last week.
Mrs. Cook died at her home near Wesley Chapel, Friday the 24th, of tuberculosis. She leaves her husband and three small children to mourn their loss.
I desire to say a word in appreciation of the help and sympathy the people of Durbin and Cloverlick rendered me during my late bereavement, when God in His wisdom, called to Himself my only child, Charlcie Wooddell Showalter. There are no people who deserve more praise and honor than the faithful, Godly men and women in and around Durbin and Cloverlick. How they have helped me to bear this great sorrow I can never put into words but I take this means of expressing in part my deep appreciation of their many kindnesses and consoling words in the hour of my greatest need.
Yours in Sorrow,
Minnie Doddrill
The night is chill, the cloud is gray;
‘Tis a month before the month of May.
And spring comes slowly up this way. – Coleridge