Thursday, April 4, 1918
The daylight saving bill worked all right in this part of the country. It came on Sunday and that is naturally a day of rest and adjustment. People went to bed by the old time and got up by the new. When the time came to put out the cat, wind the clock, and go to bed, there was added the duty of turning up the clock one hour. Nobody will ever know how many persons instead of turning up the clock one hour, turned it back an hour. This has not been received as a good excuse for not registering present at church.
This law ought to be lived up to in spirit. It would be a mulish thing to do to change established hours for business or pleasure and offset this, a war measure. It will give an added hour in the afternoon for work, rest or recreation, and no matter how it is spent, it will increase the efficiency of the worker. It ought to make the gardening business boom this year. The change came in the dark of the moon, and the latter part of the night was bright, and the roosters were noisy, but they would probably crow from the time the moon rose to daylight anyway, it only seemed like they were more wakeful than usual.
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We look to see the elections this year sane and sober affairs. What the candidate lacks in glory he will save in hide and hair. There is a war on and all our faces are turned to the common enemy, we have neither time nor inclination to fight with any great heat among ourselves.
A beautiful home wedding was solemnized last Saturday, March 30, 1918, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Denison, at Denmar, when their daughter, Margurite, became the wife of Lieut. John Hunter McClintic.
The ceremony took place in the parlor which was artistically decorated with the national colors.
Rev. J. M. Walker, of Marlinton, performed the ceremony assisted by Rev. J. S. Wickline, of Falling Springs.
Only a few members of the immediate family were present.
Following the ceremony, which took place at high noon, the wedding party was invited into the big dining room, and there enjoyed a most sumptuous wedding dinner. The dining room was also most tastefully decorated in the national colors.
Both of these young people are from the best families of Pocahontas.
The father of the bride has, for a number of years, been the head of the Denmar mill and is widely known in the business world.
L. M. McClintic, father of the groom, is one of Pocahontas’ best citizens, and one of her most successful lawyers.
Both of these young people have a host of friends who wish them a long and happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter McClintic left on the afternoon train for Cincinnati, Ohio. From there they go to Camp Sherman where Mr. McClintic will resume his duties as 1st Lieut. Co. B. 329th Inft.
Our community seems to be rather back in the line of publicity; so for the benefit of those who think these towns have been effaced from the map, we will try and give them a few notes.
Plowing is the order of the day. Wheat looks as though it might be a failure.
Spring has made her appearance, likewise ramps, and from the odors which are much in evidence, we can guess that our people are getting as many as the law allows them.
We are awaiting with eagerness the coming of April 1st and the open season for trout, when with that “youngish” feeling once more, we can hike to some stream and there basket our lawful limit of speckled beauties.
School closed at Mace Thursday and a very interesting program was rendered. The debate was particularly interesting and a lasting impression has been made upon our minds that the world is actually growing morally better.
We have been informed that W. F. J. Mace will finish cutting timber within the next few days. This will substantiate the fact that Messrs. Luke and Doyle are efficient log cutters.
Glen Varner spent Easter in Elkins.
Ramps are getting up and there are plenty of them.
Some of our neighbors might be glad to know that when cows eat ramps, the cream and butter can be used in cake, pudding and such things, where extract of lemon can be used. Also, the butter can be put in brine and kept for a long time.
A. J. Varner is preparing to do a lot of farming.
Get up one hour earlier every day and soon we will have the Kaiser going our way.
Charley Sharp and family are moving to Yelk.
Little Francis McElwee is quite sick at this writing.
Several of our folks attended the play at Raywood and all report a fine time.
The dwelling house of Howard Curry burned a few nights ago.