Thursday, March 21, 1918
The Marlinton Auto and Supply Company has moved its garage to the Marlinton Opera House.
Washington D. C. – L. M. Stephens prominent businessman of Wheeling and New York, and Dr. R. J. Hersey, Wheeling physician, have acquired possession of the Minnehaha Springs property in Pocahontas County.
The new owners announce their intention of putting Minnehaha water on the market and of spending an immense sum in developing the property at once.
Mr. Stephens is president of the Pennsylvania-Kentucky Oil & Gasoline Co., and is largely interested in other big enterprises, including the Barnett Oil & Gas Company.
Major T. F. Combs, of Huntington, well-known over the State as an auctioneer, was here this week, visiting the school, boy scout troops and the people generally in the interest of the War Garden movement. He is traveling at the insistence of the State Agricultural Commission, and is waking the people up.
Nail the flag to the plough!
Your country needs grain.
While the sailor boys guard
The tracks of the main.
God gave you the fields,
And the sun and its light,
Then double their yields
While the soldier boys fight.
Nail the flag to the plough!
The soldier must eat.
While defending the trenches or suffer defeat.
You can help the brave boys in this time of need
By increasing your acres and sowing more seed.
Nail the flag to the plough!
Your children and wife
Must be saved from starvation tho’
The world is in strife.
Your duty is plain, your mission is grand,
Each man is a hero who is tilling the land.
You say you’re too old to carry a gun,
Then work in the fields till the setting of sun,
And show to the world by the sweat on your brow,
That you’re saving your country with a flag on the plough!
Saint Patrick’s was a fine day.
Sam Williams is sub-contractor of the mail route from Durbin to Cheat Bridge.
J. L. Slaven is able to be up and around.
Dr. G. F. Hull is home from the south where he had been looking over the army boys.
Durbin has more men who want to go to the army.
Robert Hevener has about 400 bushels of potatoes to sell.
We’re coming along all O.K. If we get some flour – just enough for breakfast.
One man wants a war price on maple syrup, but the right price is one dollar per gallon.
The Mayor of Durbin is going to have a cleanup day, if he has to clean up his own self.
Fine weather, and most of the farmers are busy plowing.
Several of our Knapps Creek boys left for Camp Greenleaf, Lytle, Georgia.
We understand that Ben Campbell made a trip through to Harrisonburg last week in his car and bought one of the best teams in Virginia. Ernest Sharp brought the team through for him.
Quite a flood the 13th; the Greenbrier was fuller than it has been for years.
Austin Sharp will farm the M. F. Herold farm for Sherman Gibson this year. Also Amos Kelly is farming for I. B. Moore.
We are having a fine spring time at this writing. Birds sing you to sleep and sing you awake.
The farmers have about all quit making sugar and molasses, having made a good deal – especially syrup – and are now plowing for a bumper crop.
The supper by the Red Cross at this place was a success socially and financially. About $50 over cost of material was taken in. There was a good crowd, fine order and no booze.
W. A. Gladwell lost a fine two year old blooded heifer last Sunday night; cause unknown to writer.
That all the brave boys and men of our country are not at the front, in the trench, or training camps was evidenced by the way our men fought to control the fire that destroyed the main building of the Pocahontas Supply Company on Monday afternoon of last week. By heroic effort, they succeeded in extinguishing the flames before they broke through the walls, thus saving the meat market building and the larger ware rooms, not, however, before great damage and total loss of a large amount of goods. Many of the men deserve special mention for their efficient, persistent efforts to save the building and stop the spread of the fire, although the risk to life and limb was great. There were no accidents, only the inconvenience of a thorough wetting with the cold water.
The Pocahontas Supply Co. has opened up a grocery store in the I. O. O. F. Building, the postoffice and the Company’s office is comfortably located in the front room of the Masonic Temple. The Red Cross work room was moved into the Masonic Lodge room. Let the Red Cross members note this change, and come and help make bags for the soldier boys. The call is for a large number of bags before March 26.
Manager R. S. Hickman was called home from the east where he had gone to buy goods, on account of the fire.