Thursday, February 14, 1918
The winter has been hard on this town. The burning of the electric light plant left us in darkness, and there are a number of things to do to brighten up the old burg this coming summer. Painting is badly needed, but it may be hard to get the painters. There is one way to paint a house that cannot be beat, and that is to do it yourself during odd hours. Watch the man who says not to fix the town up. He is fixing to leave. This is the biggest town in a block of nine counties. Make it shine this summer.
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It is a strange thing, but many a family lived this winter on less than they ever did. Some are born economical, and others have it thrust upon them.
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A naturalist by the name of Hudson makes the assertion that, of all the cat tribe, the panther is the only one that is naturally friendly to man. He calls attention to the fact that when a panther is in the woods where there is a hunter, that it will follow him because it wants to be petted…
The naturalist gives a good many incidents of friendliness on the part of the beast.
One was a case of a duck hunter who was lying concealed under his cloak. He endeavored to move, and he felt a weight on his cloak. Looking back he saw a panther lying on the end of the garment which made no effort to harm him.
Another case, a hunter was sleeping in a hammock slung between two trees. He was awakened by what he thought was the sound of frogs, but it was a panther lying on the ground directly under the hammock purring its satisfaction on being so near a man. The Indian guides thought it a good joke. “Tiger sleep with the old man,” they said…
If we ever take to roaming through the woods again, and we see a panther, we are going to be very cool and distant with him, and if he wants to be patted on the head, he will have to wait until that Mr. Hudson comes along.
Clarksburg – Because John Raikes, a young man of Industrial, refused to marry Miss Edna Nutter, to whom he had been paying attention, her brother, Lee Nutter, went hunting for him, it is alleged, and shot him six times with a small caliber revolver. Raikes is in a hospital, where it was stated that he would likely recover. Nutter surrendered and was held to the grand jury.
Ira Hannah, of Bucks Run, is able to be out after an attack of pneumonia.
Squire Uriah Bird is in Washington this week to attend the Billy Sunday meetings.
A.G. Dean, of Burr, was in town Monday.
E.C. Hiner has moved his restaurant to the Hamilton building.
Misses Margaret Pritchard and Lucy McLaughlin, and Richard McLaughlin and Willie Ruckman, all of Hillsboro High school, spent the weekend with the Misses Pritchard.
E. F. McLaughlin, of Edray, was here Sunday to attend the funeral of Robert McLaughlin.
The mill at Raywood has shut down until winter breaks.
James A. Galford died Sunday morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Musto McLaughlin, after an illness of three weeks’ duration.
Sled riding is the order of the day with the young people. They have been to Raywood and Greenbank.
Clyde Carpenter came in from camp and reports the snow so deep they can’t work.
Dr. Geiger reports the loss of two colts with a very peculiar disease.
Jim Byrd was in town Groundhog Day and reports the most snow in twenty-seven years.
The workless Monday bothers the trade and confuses the public, but we hope there will be nothing worse to come.
The men who have been drafted around here seem like they are anxious to go to the colors and are awaiting the call patiently.
Sam Harper is visiting his family at Hendricks this week.
Browns Creek
Fox chasing seems to be the order of the day in this section.
Jim Turner has been hauling lumber for I. B. Shrader to the Darnell farm near Hillsboro.
Moody Moore is taking training at the Marlinton hospital.
Stock is wintering very well, but feed is very scarce in this section.
Amos Kelley, of Frost, was through this part buying furs.
C. A. McLaughlin, who has been employed by the Kendall Lumber Co. as a teamster for several months, is now at home.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Delaney, February 9, 1918, a son. This is their eleventh child, all of whom are living and well.
Mrs. Sala Hiner Williams, wife of Clark Williams, died very unexpectedly at Elkins last Saturday, after an operation. Her body was brought to Marlinton Wednesday afternoon and buried in Mt. View Cemetery. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hiner, of Marlinton. Surviving her are her husband and their two children. Mrs. Williams was 24 years old.
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Robert McLaughlin died at his home near Dunmore February 8, 1918, after a long illness, aged 79 years. He was buried at the Dunmore Presbyterian Church, of which he had been a member for many years; services conducted by Rev. Geo. H. Echols, of the Methodist Church. He was a good man, and honest citizen, and a brave soldier in the army of the Southern Confederacy. He is survived by his wife and large family of sons and daughters.
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Lucy Pearl Jackson departed this life at her home near Slaty Fork on January 22, 1918, aged 17 years, 4 months. Funeral services at her home, by Rev. M. J. Ramsey; burial in the Sharp graveyard.
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Little Edgar Jack, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Jack, departed this life at the home of James Jackson, near Edray, November 22nd, 1917. Funeral services conducted by Rev. H. J. Ramsey; burial in the Jack graveyard on Elk.
Marlinton Meat & Provision Company
The Efficient Economical Housekeeper is ready to pay cash and save the difference. When you buy goods at a strictly cash store, you don’t pay for something you don’t get. You get what you pay for. We give our customers the benefit of our saving in bookkeeping and other loses that go with the credit business, with an additional 5 percent discount on all accounts of $1.00 and over, other than fresh meats, which are sold here at from 4 to 10 cents less per pound than other retailers are getting for the same class of products.