Thursday, October 25, 1917
He was a cold, hard-hearted brute,
The kind you’d like to give the boot;
Who, if his wife should have a pain,
Would use it for a sign of rain.
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The Hillsboro high school listed the names of ten students who are now in camp learning the serious profession of arms. Their names were under the flag: Ross Hufford, Carl Bruffey, Sherman Moore, Ballard Kirk, Albert VanReenan, Henry McNeel, Graham Larue, Earl Faunkelkner, Emanuel Long and Doc Long.
“Young eyes that last year smiled in ours,
Now point the rifle-barrel;
And hands then stained with fruits and flowers
Bear redder stains of quarrel.”
Our splendid young men have gone to defend the honor of their country. They ought to know the tender regard that their county holds them in…
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Edwin Garing, 305 Trench Mortar Battery, 155 Brigade, F. A., Camp Lee, writing to Howard McElwee, says everything is O.K. and that he must come down and see them drill, as the Pocahontas loggers can cut the shine. He says there is a wonderful lot of pretty girls in that part of Virginia, but his heart still seems to be in the highlands for he says he can never forgive Mr. McNeel, of the Local Board, for not letting him go to Huntersville, the night before he had to go to Camp Lee. Garing says if he can get off Xmas and the roads are fit, he wants Mr. McElwee to come for him, Bill Cole and Clyde McLaughlin in his car…
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We have a little niece between two and three years old who is just beginning to sit up and take notice, and who is being shown the world, and who is adding day by day to her vocabulary. Last week we asked her if she would like to see a farmer, and she became very much interested at once, and wanted to see a farmer, and her wish was gratified for the farmers turned out in force. They came not as they usually do as opulent visitors to the county seat, but as farmers with samples of their produce to be exhibited at the county fair…
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The late Uriah Hevener was asked on the witness stand as to his occupation and his answer was that he followed the track of the steer. That has been and is the highest calling known to the inhabitants of these blue grass lands. For the first time, the prize cattle were driven from the secure seclusion of the farms, to be exhibited in the pens at the county seat, and the sight was enough to make a man sick of office life. There are few sights that are more impressive than the hauteur of a thoroughbred aristocratic bull calf. He reminds one of the well-dressed, over-bearing, pampered kid that one sees around the Hot Springs and the White Sulphur Springs…
The Agricultural Exhibit was very good, lots of people present and a great deal of interest shown. The quality of the products were much better than ever before, which show the people are learning lots by attending these exhibits. There certainly was a lot of interest in the calf show. The following are the names of the prize winners:
Best calf from Hunters-ville District, and best calf from the county, W. H. Barlow.
Edray District, J. A. Young.
Greenbank District, G. V. Hannah.
Little Levels District, D. M. Callison.
Best farm exhibit from Edray District and from the county, Milburn Sharp.
Best farm exhibit from Greenbank District, E. N. Moore
Best farm exhibit from Huntersville District, J. G. Sharp.
Best farm exhibit from the Levels District, H. F. Arbogast.
Best housewife exhibit, Mrs. John Murphy, 1st; Mrs. W. H. Young, 2nd; Mrs. J. W. R. Smith, 3rd…
In spite of the cold rain and mud, great interest was shown in the calf show last Friday, and the exhibits would be hard to beat anywhere…
The exhibitors were as follows:
D. M. Callison, 8 cows, 8 calves, registered Herefords.
M. L. Beard, 8 cows, 8 calves, thoroughbred Herefords.
J. M. Cutlip, 1 calf, grade Hereford.
Fred Ruckman, cow and calf, Polled Angus.
Lanty McNeel, cow and calf, Shorthorn.
W. H. Barlow, 2 cows, 2 calves, 3 yearling heifers, Polled Angus.
Jacob Lightner, 3 calves, Shorthorn.
A. C. Barlow, 2 cows, 2 calves, registered Hereford.
W. E. Page, cow and calf, Shorthorn.
J. A. Young, 1 calf, Hereford.
Uriah Hevener, 1 calf, Shorthorn…
The Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is to be celebrated in a peculiarly worthy way by the Presbyterian people and their friends in this section. A quiet but determined effort is being made to wipe out entirely the long-standing indebtedness on the Lewisburg Seminary as a part of a nationwide campaign for education now being conducted by all the churches. In recognition of the day when the famous thesis that started the Reformation were nailed to the church door at Wittenberg, a great educational advance is being made by all the churches in America…