Thursday, March 5, 1914
We are having nice weather after the recent cold spell.
Harry Hevener was in this part buying fur.
Lots of sickness in this neighborhood; Lawrence McLaughlin has been very ill. Also Mrs. Russell McLaughlin and Mrs. James Byrd, but we are glad to note that they are much better at this writing.
Clyde Carpenter was home from the Horton Camp, Sunday.
Russell McLaughlin is cutting and hauling logs to the sawmill preparatory to building an addition to his home.
James Brooks and R. J. Watson have shut down their tie job on account of rough weather, but will resume work again in a few days.
Miss Josie McLaughlin gave a party to a few select friends one night last week, which was much enjoyed by all who were present.
We are having ground hog weather here.
Dr. W. A. Hammer has returned to his office at this place, prepared to do all kinds of dental work.
Mrs. R. N. Lewis, who has undergone an operation at a Baltimore hospital, is improving fast.
Miss Moore, of Sitlington, was up having some dental work done Saturday and returned to her school Monday morning.
Mrs. G. D. Oliver entertained a number of her friends Saturday night. A very enjoyable evening was spent in playing games. A delicious lunch was served and the guests departed for their homes declaring Mrs. Oliver a capital hostess.
W. R. Moore and A. A. Findley have rented the sawmill owned by J. H. Page and will complete the Wilson Taylor Co.’s job of cutting lumber on the J. R. Hevener farm.
W. T. Shinaberry and R. C. Hicklin are cutting and getting ready to make shipment of a few car loads of mine ties and props.
Allen Sites, while working on the incline at Big Run got his foot and toes mashed by a log. He is improving rapidly and expects to resume work soon.
The people here so far have been unable to cut any ice, about six sled loads of inferior grade was put in W. R. Moore’s ice house.
Kemp Meek killed a fine red fox one day last week. He has two of the finest fox hounds in this country.
The B. B. Tallman and John L. McLaughlin hammer factory has not been running very steady for the last few days on account of the hickory wood which they use being frozen, besides one of their horses has been sick.
Dr. Winters McNeel was in town Tuesday looking like the storms of winter had been buffeting him very considerably.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Coursey and son, Jack, returned from Georgia last week. When they left Augusta last Wednesday the ground was covered with six inches of snow.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dilley, on Indian Draft, a daughter.
Ira Brill seems to have a corner on the fur market in this part of the country.
W. McClintic is watching the weather very closely as he hopes to have 1,500 bushels of peaches this year.
C. H. Lind is advertising his personal property, a good cow, at auction, at Campbelltown next Wednesday, March 11. He expects soon to visit his people in Sweden.
It looks like Marlinton will have to take a day off and build a railroad to Minnehaha Springs.
Sunday afternoon, house No. 12 on the Tannery Row caught on fire, but little damage was done. It was occupied by Russians.
The Campbelltown people are scattering to various parts of the country. We are sorry to see them go.
Hugh P. McLaughlin, whose health has been poor for several months past, has been very seriously ill at his home on Browns Creek, with an affection [sp.] of the heart and dropsical trouble. His condition has been very uncomfortable as he has not been able to rest in a reclining position, and has been compelled to sit in a chair most of the time. Last July he was one of those who went to Gettysburg on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the battle. As a member of the 25th Virginia Infantry, he was present and engaged in that battle.
Died, at Davis Memorial Hospital, at Elkins, February 21, Fred Barkley, of Cloverlick. Burial at the Wilmoth graveyard on Allegheny Mountain, near his old home, under the auspices of the Moose Order, of which he was a member.
Died, Mrs. Grace Fultz, wife of Rev. R. E. Fultz, of pneumonia, at the home of Mrs. Mary Handley, in Lewisburg, Wednesday evening, March 4. She was the youngest daughter of the late Uriah Hevener.
Anthony Custonio, an Italian employed by F.S. Wise, at Cloverlick, died of pneumonia, March 3. He was buried here. He was 44 years old, and leaves a family of five children in Italy.