October 26, 1916
The war is now in its third year. President Wilson announced in the beginning of his administration that so long as he was President that there should be no war of aggression against any country. When the European war broke out he immediately proclaimed neutrality and posted notices in four languages at every post office in the United States. He has maintained neutrality though each country of Europe claimed to be moved by Providence to defend the right, and called on the United States to help. Roosevelt and others wanted to fight for Belgium and because the Lusitania was sunk.
Now a campaign is being waged against the President because they say that he is not warlike enough and caused the country to lose prestige.
This is all wrong. The country is the envied country of the world.
Do not allow yourself to be jockeyed into the position to vote for war.
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Hughes is entitled to be listed as an artful dodger, if there is any distinction in that. He attempted to raise the country over the passage of the eight hour law, and the country refused to get indignant over it. On the contrary it seemed to be more than ordinarily grateful to have purchased its industrial peace in that way. To his cries of “Wolf! Wolf!” the public showed a disposition to hurrah for Woodrow…
In fact, none of the pearls that have dropped from the lips of the peerless Hughes has been seized upon as a slogan. The more he speaks, the fewer his followers. Outside of the inborn, bred in the bone, congenital Republicans, Hughes has no supporters, if we except some very rich Democrats who have to pay a heavy income tax, and of this class there are no names given out, because they are very quiet about it…
No one can read Hughes’ speeches without being impressed by the fact that he knows that he represents a divided minority, and that he cannot be frank if he would. No one who has studied Hughes’ attitude but knows that chaos would follow his election, and with the world at war, it would be the height of folly to make a change and vote down the peace policy of President Wilson.
Hughes is the kind of man of whom Cowper spoke:
“Patriots grown too shrewd to be sincere,
and we too wise to trust them.”
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The attractive, highly cultivated intelligent body of women who visited this county last week in support of the amendment to the constitution giving women the right to vote, added tone and interest to the campaign. We notice one thing however, that the visitors were a heap more popular with the men than the women of the county. The victims of man’s oppression seem to resent being saved from their unfortunate condition.
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The Mountain View Orchard Company is preparing to ship three car loads of apples of the highest quality, this season.
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There will be a box and ice cream supper at the Underwood school house on Beaver Creek, Saturday night, October 28. Proceeds to go toward purchasing a library for the school.
Winfred McElwee has broken is car and it is in the repair shop at Marlinton.
Misses Ella and Melia Pritchard spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. John Hevener, at Cloverlick.
Frank Rock’s horse ran off Sunday and broke the buggy and Frank was badly hurt.
in traveling around you do not see any notices posted up: If you vote for Wilson you will lose your job. Nothing is said about the full dinner pail.
Judge Robinson passed through town burning million dollar gasoline.
There will be a Hallowe’en social at the school house Saturday night. The invitations read as follows: “When the clock strikes eight, You’ll be a plenty late, On October twenty-eight, Meet at the school house gate, so no one will know your pate, and have a good time.”
Sheep and lambs are going out by the thousands, and look at the prices; one sheep brings about as much as a dog brought 5 or 6 years ago.