Thursday, January 29, 1914
Very fine winter weather.
Madison Mullenax wants to be very careful to stay in the house the 2nd day of February if the sun shines.
We are glad to see J. O. Gum out again.
Woodchuck Gum is improving.
Fred Pritchard had to shoot one of his horses – it could not get up.
Dr. Geiger was called to Stony Bottom Sunday to see some sick horses.
E. F. McLaughlin, the rising cattle king, was in town Wednesday night.
The mud holes in the roads should be filled with stone and gravel and the cross ditches opened up before they get out of sight.
Gentlemen and collar buttons, ladies and mantle pieces, children and chewing gum. The auction sale at the school house Friday night was largely attended.
We are having some fine days after the recent cold spell.
Jimmy Baxter was in this part talking insurance Monday.
The chickenpox is raging on Upper Stony Creek. Several of the children are unable to attend school.
A. C. Barlow is breaking a champion pair of colts this winter.
The Campbell Lumber Co. is taking up their steel on Williams River and hauling it to Campbelltown. This good company has about finished up their big lumber job which they have been operating the past nine years. The company was always ready to lend a helping hand to their employees in time of need and we regret very much to see them leave, and our best wishes are extended to them wherever their lot may be.
W. H. Gilmore has been on the sick list for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sharp spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gibson and children and Bertie Gibson spent Saturday very pleasantly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Sharp.
Attorney George Sharp, of Marlinton, was calling at the home of his uncle, Ben Sharp, Saturday.
Little Jim Smith, representing S. B. Wallace & Co., of Marlinton, was calling on our merchant, W. J. Pritchard, Monday.
Some of the young people of our town attended the dance at Harry Buzzard’s last Tuesday night the 27th.
We are sorry to note Aunt Biddie Howdyshell is very much indisposed at this writing.
We are glad to note Aunt Lydia Hiner is improving; she is able to be downstairs.
January is number one – filling our roads to overflow with snow, blocking all traffic. The recent thaw has given right-of-way to horseback riding. The McDoc Lumber Co. has shoveled the roads open and will again resume their active shipping of lumber.
We are glad to see good men offering to fill county offices. It looks like there will be no lack of candidates this year – many are called, but few are chosen.
A. W. Tallman is still on the sick list. The good people took axes, saws and teams last Monday and prepared wood sufficient to do him through the winter. A good dining and high appreciation paid everyone for this work, remembering it is more blessed to give than to receive
Bill Huff was before Squire Smith today charged with selling whiskey at Cass. He was held for the grand jury.
Lawrence Jackson, who is working for W. McClintic, cut his knee with an ax, Tuesday.
Early Dilley is building a handsome residence in the east end of town.
Kenny Knapp, of Stony Creek, has sold his farm to Adam Moore, and was here Tuesday looking for a farm.
Wm. Gibson and R. K. Burns were in Kentucky last week and purchased fine saddle horses for themselves and one for E. H Williams.
Jacob Beverage, who lives on the Griffin place on Bucks Mountain, was in this office Monday. He reports the killing of a horned owl which had a spread of wing of fifty-seven inches.
Dick Smith, the great hunter, was down from Edray on Tuesday. He has killed seven foxes since the beginning of the year. He caught two old reds in a trap at the same den and then had the trap carried off by another fox. He says at least twenty-five foxes have been killed about the mountains around Edray, but the number does not appear diminished any.
Ira D. Brill, the fur man, reports a freak of nature in a brown skunk pelt.