April 27, 1916
Four inches of snow is reported on Elk and the higher altitudes to the west of the Greenbrier river Wednesday morning. Young lambs are reported to be dying by the hundreds owing to the unseasonable weather.
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A trainload of automobiles for Marlinton arrived this week – a car load of Fords for J. L. Baxter, a car of Overlands for Marlinton Auto and Supply Co., a car of Saxons and a car of Studebakers for the Marlinton Garage.
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The local lodge of Odd Fellows will observe the 97th anniversary of the founding of their order by attending church in a body next Sunday morning at the Methodist church.
Farmers are rushing to get their oats sowed. This has been a backward spring but we think this is plenty early for oats.
Luther Shrader passed here on his way to Thorny Creek camp Sunday.
Charlie McLaughlin is home from camp, farming. That is right, Charlie, stay among us, we enjoy your company and witty sayings.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Shrader, Sunday, the 16th, a girl.
Mrs. Ellen Phillips is right much complaining at this time.
To say we are glad is putting it lightly, to see our road which was almost impassable, being put in good shape by our capable superintendent Hevener Dilley. All parties certainly give Hevener a hearty hand shake for the good work done on the road. The new road around the hill near Mr. Buzzard’s means so much to farmers of the Hills. How very wise of our superintendent not to open the road this winter for travel. Had he done so before the road settled, the heavy lumber wagons would have made it a ruin.
Mrs. Leanna McCarty Shrader, wife of George H. Shrader, died at her home near Huntersville, Monday, April 24, 1916, aged 38 years. She leaves her husband and their six children, one an infant less than two weeks old. Mrs. Shrader was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCarty; her sisters and brothers are Mrs. Clyde Waugh, Mrs. Anderson Dilley; J. H. Amos and Elbert McCarty. Funeral services conducted by Rev. H. M. Rame , and interment at Bethel graveyard on Tuesday. The decreased was a life long christian, a member of the Methodist church. She was a useful woman and will be greatly missed.
Finds Health in Our Vinol
Collinsville, Ill. – “ I suffered from a nervous break-down and terrible headaches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and discouraged but as I had a large family. I had to work despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks, I noticed a decided improvement, and now I am a well woman.” – Mrs. Ana Becker
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, overworked mothers.
My Dug Out
10th Battery, France
March 23rd
Dear Price:
It seems years since I was in W. Va., although it is hardly a year since I left; have had many varied experiences since then but I have not forgotten old W. Va. friends, and if I get through this, hope to return when the war is over. Having a few spare minutes, thought I would write you a few lines and tell you some of our doings, although I must not tell you our whereabouts. We have been in action just over two months; things are more or less quiet on our immediate front now, but on our immediate left and right, there are and have been very hot times.
Here we are holding the line and shall no doubt make a push shortly, when the weather improves. I have been pretty wretched since I have been in France, and the trenches are knee to thigh deep in water and mud, although just lately they have improved somewhat…
I witnessed the “strafe” from the trenches. I was F.O.O. at the time. Our artillery was all concentrated on one of their villages, only about 1,000 yards from our front line trenches. I shall never forget the sight; about 10 batteries opened up, and Hades was let loose; buildings toppled and went up in smoke, it only lasted 2 minutes, but it was a sight never to be forgotten while it lasted…
Have no time for more; please remember me to all old friends. After this show, shall have a few yarns to tell you.
Your sincerely,
Christopher Hodgson, Lieut.
Note – Lieut. Hodgson left his farm at Linwood, Pocahontas County, to go to England to volunteer
God’ will be done! We know not what
A week, a day, an hour may bring;
The sword may cut the Gordian knot,
The blessed bells of peace may ring;
But this I pray with all my heart,
As men in every age have prayed,
That I have strength to do my part,
An meet my Maker unafraid!
To dedicate my soul to God;
To use my lief for freedom’s gain;
To tread the paths our fathers trod;
To prove they did not die in vain;
To raise my arm to guard the right;
To keep the faith; to face the foe;
To fight as only free men fight;
To give, to take the deadly blow!
I do but pray the saving grace,
When fate shall put me to the test,
That I may meet it face to face,
Clear-eyed, up-right and self-possessed!
Great God, whose pity and whose might;
As far beyond a mortal’s ken,
Be with us and defend the right,
and help us bear ourselves like men!