Allegheny Mountain Radio hosted Candidate Forums for the county and state election. House of Delegates candidates answered four questions asked by AMR Pocahontas County reporter Tim Walker and The Pocahontas Times reporter Suzanne Stewart.
Candidates began with opening statements:
Candidate Phil Isner arrived late. Here is his opening statement:
Question #1: Would you favor raising tax revenues to help balance the State Budget and if not, what alternative would you support?
Candidate Phil Isner answers Question #1:
Question #2: What are your opinions about the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline crossing through Pocahontas County as well as through other counties in West Virignia and do you feel the state is too dependent on fossil fuel industries?
Question #3: Does the state Legislature provide sufficient support to rural county school systems like Pocahontas County and if not, what legislation would you propose to correct that?
Question #4: What approach would you urge the Legislature to take to create jobs in rural areas like Pocahontas County?
Due to technical difficulties, the closing statements were not captured in video. The audio is accompanied by a photo below: